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Pre-School Piano - Presto and Largo!

Hello Mums and Dads, and Mini-musos!

This week we're learning two new words: PRESTO and LARGO! 🤔

These are words we use to describe the tempo (speed) of a piece of music. 🏃‍♂️

Our first new word is "PRESTO" and this means "fast". So if a piece of music was marked "presto", then you'd need to play it very quickly! 🏎

The second new word is "LARGO" and this means "slow". If the music has "largo" written next to it, then you can relax and play it nice and slowly. 🐌

Print out our funsheet below, and colour in the words "fast" and "slow" to match the colours of the words "presto" and "largo". 🌈

Then watch our brand new video about Presto and Largo from our teacher, David, to firm up your knowledge of these words and what they mean. 📹

Finally, take one of the songs you already know on piano, and try playing it presto (fast) and then largo (slow). 🎹

Let us know how you get on! 🎉

Take care and stay safe,

David and the Fun-Keys team.

🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹


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