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Pre-School Piano - Play Tommy Thumb!

Hi Mums, Dads and Mini-Musos!

This week we're learning how to play Tommy Thumb! šŸ‘

Check last week's Pre-School Piano blog for a reminder on the different note lengths, because Tommy Thumb uses Crotchets (1 beat), Minims (2 beats) and Semibreves (4 beats)! šŸŽ¶

Check out Lucy's amazing video about how to play Tommy Thumb, as well as using our brilliant Funsheet with the music. šŸ“¹

If you fancy giving it a go using just the funsheet, then first of all, clap the rhythm of the song. There are 4 beats in every bar, so maybe get someone to count or clap along with you. šŸ‘

Once you've got this right, try the notes. Use the letters and colours to match up the notes to the right keys on the keyboard. šŸŽ¹

TOP TIP - look out for the C-note (the green one), as there are 2 different C-notes used in Tommy Thumb: a high one and a low one. See if you can spot the difference between where they are in the sheet music. šŸŸ¢

Finally, combine the rhythm with the notes, and before you know it, you'll be playing Tommy Thumb! šŸ˜ƒ

Special challenge - see how fast you can play Tommy Thumb. Practice it again and again and make it faster and faster each time! šŸƒā€ā™€ļø šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø

Have fun, and let us know how you get on!

Take care everyone,

David and the Fun-Keys team!

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