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Playing and Singing Hot Cross Buns

Hello mini-musos, mums & dads 👋🍩

This week we have been singing and playing "Hot Cross Buns".

Can you remember how we played it in class? Here is a little reminder so you can have your very own performance at home. 🎵 🎹 🎸

👆Using the Peter pointer finger we can play this easy 3 note song.

The notes are:C 💚 , D ❤️ and E 💙 . To find them on the piano just look for the group of 2 black keys. The 3 white keys underneath are C, D, E, in that order.

Hot Cross Buns consist of 5 lines or phrases.

Line 1 - E 💙, D ❤️, C 💚 - pressing one time each note.

Line 2 - E 💙, D ❤️, C 💚 - pressing one time each note. This line is exactly like the first one.

Line 3 - C 💚, C 💚, C 💚, C 💚 - on the third line we press C 4 times!

Line 4 - D ❤️, D ❤️, D ❤️, D ❤️ - here we press D 4 times!

Line 5 - E 💙, D ❤️, C 💚 - the last line is exactly as the first and the second.

🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹

THIS WEEK'S QUIZ - Hot Cross Buns🥖 🔍 How many times do we play C when we sing "One a penny"?

Make sure to practise at home and don't forget to sing along:

🎶Hot Cross Buns Hot Cross Buns One a penny Two a penny Hot Cross Buns

If you have no daughters Give them to your sons One a penny Two a penny Hot Cross Buns🎶

🎬 Watch Ana's clip and follow her tips. Then print the Fun-sheet provided below and practice at home! It's so easy and simple. 😇

You can DOWNLOAD and print the Fun-sheet from here! On Desktop computer - Right Click on it and Save As...

On Mobile Device - Tap on it and keep it pressed. Download Image.

Have fun and do get in touch if you need any help. Remember if you like what we do, subscribe to our YouTube channel. We make these clips for you to enjoy!


See you next week with more practise tips from the team.

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