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Learn about Musical Beats

Hello mums and dads! This week we looked at our beat sheet! We met all the different musical notes we look at on the Fun-Keys course. Slow Mr Semibreve - he's the biggest of all the notes lasting FOUR counts! Clap 👏 1 and hold for 2,3,4! Hungry miss Minim - she's SO hungry! She lasts TWO counts. Clap👏 1 hold 2, clap 👏 3 hold 4! Happy miss Crotchet - she's bright and chirpy! She lasts ONE count. Clap👏 1, clap👏 2, clap👏 3, clap👏 4. Cheeky monkey Quaver - he's the quickest of the notes lasting HALF a beat. Say the words "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &" Now have a go at clapping as you say each word! There will be 8 claps! 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


🔍 What is the note worth 4 counts?


🔍 What do we do when there's a little black spot under a number? Now, have a look at our weekly video to see the crazy characters we use to describe the beats! Wishing you all a fun and happy week in the sunshine ☀☀☀ Until next week! 🎹 👏 🎉 ❤ 😁 🍓 🌸 🌺

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🎬 Watch Holly's clip and follow her tips. Then print the funsheets provided below and practice at home! It's so easy and simple. 😇

You can DOWNLOAD and print the Fun-sheet from here! On Desktop computer - Right Click on it and Save As...

On Mobile Device - Tap on it and keep it pressed. Download Image.

Have fun and do get in touch if you need any help. Remember if you like what we do, subscribe to our YouTube channel. We make these clips for you to enjoy!


See you next week with more practise tips from the team.

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