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Two minor Scales: A minor and D minor

Hello kids, mums and dads!😄

Last week we learnt the difference between a Major😄 and a minor 😢 Scale.

Remember: Major Scales sound happy! 😄 while minor Scales sound sad...😢

Today we are learning 2 important minor😢 Scales! The A💗minor and the D❤️ minor Scales. But hey! Don't be sad! Playing minor scales doesn't mean we are sad! We can use minor Scales to play beautiful slow music 🎶🎶🎶🎶

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The A💗minor Scale uses all the white keys! So it's just like the C Major Scale. The only difference is that the A minor Scale starts in A and finishes in A. Try playing all the white keys from A to the next A. When you play it fast, try to feel the beautiful emotions that it evokes. 🎶

The D❤️ minor Scale also sounds beautiful and sad 😢. But here we play 1 black key.

Let's play all the white keys from D to the next D, but instead of playing B, we will play B flat.

🎬 Watch Dani's clip and follow his tips. Then print the Funsheets provided below and practice at home! It's so easy and simple. 😇

Dani and The Fun-Keys team

You can DOWNLOAD and print the Fun-sheet from here! On Desktop computer - Right Click on it and Save As...

On Mobile Device - Tap on it and keep it pressed. Download Image.

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