Hot Cross Buns on the Stave 🎼
Hello kids, mums and dads! 😃 This week we are learning where C💚, D❤ and E💙 are on the stave THIS WEEK'S QUIZ - Hot Cross Buns on the...

Clapping Minims
Hello kids, mums and dads! 😃 This has been the fourth week of the course and we have been learning about Minims. Minims last two beats...

Crotchet Beat
Hi mini-musos & mums & dads THIS WEEK'S QUIZ - Crotchet Beat 🔍 Can you play 4 crotchet beats on your piano in time and send us a...

Playing and Singing Hot Cross Buns
Hello mini-musos, mums & dads 👋🍩 This week we have been singing and playing "Hot Cross Buns". Can you remember how we played it in...

Finding E 💙
Hello kids, mums and dads! 😊 🔎 We went on a special quest to find the note E 💙! 🏠 It is easy peasy to find, it lives right next to...