Hot Cross Buns on the Stave 🎼
Hello kids, mums and dads! 😃 This week we are learning where C💚, D❤ and E💙 are on the stave THIS WEEK'S QUIZ - Hot Cross Buns on the...

Clapping Minims
Hello kids, mums and dads! 😃 This has been the fourth week of the course and we have been learning about Minims. Minims last two beats...

Crotchet Beat
Hi mini-musos & mums & dads THIS WEEK'S QUIZ - Crotchet Beat 🔍 Can you play 4 crotchet beats on your piano in time and send us a...

Playing and Singing Hot Cross Buns
Hello mini-musos, mums & dads 👋🍩 This week we have been singing and playing "Hot Cross Buns". Can you remember how we played it in...

Finding E 💙
Hello kids, mums and dads! 😊 🔎 We went on a special quest to find the note E 💙! 🏠 It is easy peasy to find, it lives right next to...

Happy New Year! 🐣
Happy New Year! Welcome back! This term we kick off with Hot Cross Buns. Find your new Fun-Sheets with our amazing coloured penguins🐧 in...

'Imagine' played by Dani Zattara
Hello parents It has been an uncertain and certainly memorable week. We hope that you are all well and safe. Our thoughts are with the...

The Musical Alphabet: so fun and easy!
Hello parents and welcome back to our musical blog! 😃 This week we are practising the Musical Alphabet. We are going to write the...