Playing the song Mary Had a Little Lamb
Happy Thursday Mums and Dads! Welcome back to our 🌸 SPRING Term 2018 🌸 This week we had lots of fun in class playing with the...

Happy Musical Holidays from Fun-Keys
Hi Musical Family Wow - this term has flown by! Where did the time go? Before you rebook your new term with us, let's have a recap...

'Imagine' played by Dani Zattara
Hello parents It has been an uncertain and certainly memorable week. We hope that you are all well and safe. Our thoughts are with the...

The Musical Alphabet: so fun and easy!
Hello parents and welcome back to our musical blog! 😃 This week we are practising the Musical Alphabet. We are going to write the...

What are you listening to today?
So as we are teaching our mini-musos scales and notes and chords - what are our music teachers listening too. Well this morning, I have...

Beginners Piano - The A class chord
Hi everybody! We hope you had a great half term. Doesn't it just speed on by! 🎹 So let's continue with our musical journey and learn...

Piano TipS - D Chord & D Scale
Hi everyone 🎹 Let's learn how to play beginners piano with Fun-Keys. We have looked at Middle C before so now we are learning about...

Learn how music changes your brain from this great podcast
Neuroscientist Dr Daniel Glaser delves into the world of music, memory, and musical therapy. It's a long one ... but stick with it. If...

Online Piano Lesson - Piano Hands
Hello Mums and Dads!
What a frosty week this has been! It's the perfect excuse for tea and cake in my book. This week we have been w

Piano Lessons - learn the musical alphabet.
Hello Fun-Key people! Learning piano is amazing. It can seem a little bit baffling at the start! So whether you are a newbie or you need som